INDABA Newsletter | February 2011

Networking forum

Thank you to Business Connexion for hosting the club�s networking forum on 24 February. It was a most interesting and informative evening!

The March networking forum will be hosted by Absa at 18:00 for 18:30 on the 24th (venue to be announced).

This will coincide with the club�s Annual General Meeting, so please diarise it!

We continue to host newsmakers

The National Press Club has hosted a number of newsmakers over the past few weeks.

The briefing with Nazir Alli, CEO of the South African National Road Agency Limited (SANRAL) sparked extensive debate about open road tolling and toll tariffs.
The briefing with Public Protector Advocate Thuli Madonsela on her findings following an investigation into the South African Police Service�s controversial R500 million lease agreement for the Middestad Building in Pretoria made headline news and led to huge public debate.
Another scoop for the National Press Club � Libyan ambassador to South Africa, Dr Abdallah Alzubedi addressed the media on the latest situation in that country.

Journalist of the Year � flood of entries received

A total of 111 entries were received in the 2011 National Press Club � North-West University Journalist of the Year competition.

The entries are currently with the judges for adjudication and the winners will be announced at the 2010 Newsmaker of the Year event.

Members will soon receive all particulars about the newsmaker event. Watch this space!

Newsrooms everywhere were enthused about the competition. The Media 24 team that encouraged colleagues to enter were (from left) Sylvia van Zyl, Jean-Marie Versluis, Hilda Fourie, Craig Nieuwenhuis and Suegnet Esterhuyse.

Remember your membership fee

Members of the National Press Club are reminded to pay their membership fees for 2011.

The annual fees are R180 for full members, R250 for associate members and R120 for student members.

The invoices for 2011 have already reached members. Please use your invoice numbers as reference when making an electronic transfer, so that the secretariat can keep track of payments received.

Member news

Press club exco member Graeme Hosken has been elected by the UN as one of 20 reporters in Africa to go on a weeklong disaster reporting course in Geneva in May. Congratulations Graeme!

Press club chairman Yusuf Abramjee and head of Crime Line recently received the �Community Service award� from the Turquoise Harmony Institute. Well done Yusuf!

Veteran club member Russel Michaels has gone on early retirement and is relocating to Cape Town. We wish you the best of luck Russel, and thank you for your loyal support to the press club over the years.


Please send any news, suggestions or information for this newsletter to Martin van Niekerk at the secretariat on,
+27 (0)12 804 5199. Visit the website at